The Soul Nurture Sanctuary

Indulgent massage journeys re-aligning you with your inner bliss.



HARMONY — 130min $295

This experience is a complete activation of the senses, re-aligning the entire being into a state of Harmony. Beginning with a mindful chat, then connecting in with your breath once on the bed, preparing your nervous system to completely let go, followed by small but deeply relaxing techniques, opening the body to receive this journey of total bliss.

The deep Indian head and neck massage is practiced with utter intention, closing with a warmed rich oil elixir poured over the scalp. Afterward, cocooning the head in the soft rebozo encapsulating all of the nourishing oils, allowing you a peaceful inward experience.

Your vibrational body now cleansed with the frequency of a crystal sound bowl, the slow, fluent and deeply restorative full body massage is practiced. The essential oil re-alignment infusion begins in sync with the rhythmic flow of the back massage. A herbal fusion of essential oils cultivated with immense intention, is placed down the spine evoking a deep sensation of complete soul rejuvenation, as the body soaks up the healing benefits of these elixirs.

An extra sense of relief is activated with warm lavender towel compresses for the back and feet, then finishing with a herbal face cleanse to refresh, and the sensory bliss of Indian sandalwood incense, closing with a sense of complete oneness.

SERENITY 100min $245

This is an immersive journey inward beginning with a mindful consultation, followed by the on-bed experience. Once on the bed, tuning in with the breath activating your Prana, while small but deeply relaxing techniques are practiced, allowing the entire body to release and relax ready to receive the next 100 minutes of pure serenity.

With the use of intuition and thorough massage technique, the deep Indian head and neck massage is practiced, closing with a warmed rich oil elixir poured over the scalp. Afterward, cocooning the head in the soft rebozo encapsulating all of the nourishing oils, preparing you for a journey inward.

Your vibrational body now cleansed with the frequency of a crystal sound bowl, the slow, fluent and deeply restorative full body massage is practiced finishing with the back. An extra sense of relief is activated with warm lavender towel compresses for the back and feet, then finishing with a herbal face cleanse to refresh, and the sensory bliss of Indian sandalwood incense, closing with a sense of profound tranquillity.

CLARITY — 60min $145

*this is upper body only (neck, shoulders, head and face)

This replenishing and deeply relieving treatment begins with the blissful sensation of calming your own breath, activating your Prana, while small but soothing techniques are practiced. Followed by clearing the vibrational body through the frequency of a crystal bowl sound cleanse, evoking a sense of balance and inner peace.

Warmed macadamia oil is poured over the skin followed by a thorough yet rhythmic massage, gliding over the chest, down the arms, shoulders, neck and face, infused with the healing of Indian Head techniques, pressure point therapy and intuition, providing a sense of mental clarity and diminishing brain fog, alleviating neck stiffness and dissolving tension headaches.

Then allowing you to drop deeper into a state of bliss as a warmed rich oil elixir is poured over the scalp, finishing with a head massage and a hot lavender towel compress for both the head and the face.


Full Body Essential Oil Re-Alignment - $55

The essential oil re-alignment infusion flows in sync with the rhythmic flow of the massage. A herbal fusion of essential oils cultivated with immense intention, is placed on all energy centres evoking a deep sensation of complete soul rejuvenation, as the body soaks up the healing benefits of these elixirs.

Warm Womb Ritual - $55

This ritual is an act of love and appreciation for the heart and womb space. Warm macadamia oil infused with rose, geranium, lavender and camomile is poured over the entire mid centre of the body - the heart, the belly, the womb - followed by soothing and nurturing glides and gentle massage strokes leaving you feeling loved and connected with the soft and tender, life giving space of Women.

Extra Relief - 20 min $45

An option for you to stay a little while longer and receive extra attention on specific spaces of discomfort in the body.


LIFE GUIDANCE — 80min $185

Having someone you can openly speak to without judgment is something so many of us lack in our lives, so let me be here. A regular check in on all things messy, emotional, exciting and heartbreaking over a warm tea, chai or turmeric latte. Tash will provide a beautiful journal and a safe space to support our sessions as we journey through your mind.

Your inner state determines your outer reality. Creating and maintaining a relationship with yourself is the key to leading a life of ease, flow and joy. Where there is peace inside, there is peace outside. Allow Tash to guide you, hold you and nurture you as we unravel the truths of your inner state. Let's work together to release all that is no longer serving your greater good through Tash's tools and teachings. Sister to sister, Woman to Woman, talk to me.